prima casa italy

Everything you need to know about Prima Casa in Italy

Embarking on the journey of homeownership in Italy involves unraveling the complexities of the “first home” concept. Beyond being a mere residence, the first home carries substantial tax implications and benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nuances, legislative intricacies, and advantages associated with the first home in Italy.

Evolution of the First Home Concept (Prima Casa)

Traditionally synonymous with the principal residence, the definition of the first home has evolved. Unlike previous requirements mandating physical residency, current legislation provides flexibility. The buyer no longer needs to use the property as their primary residence to qualify for first home benefits.

This evolution marks a departure from the rigid criteria, allowing homeowners to leverage the advantages of the first home concept without the constraints of immediate physical occupancy. It opens up new possibilities for property owners, including those who choose to rent their homes to third parties, offering a more inclusive approach to tax benefits.

First Home Eligibility Criteria

This newfound flexibility extends to properties rented to third parties. Ministerial Circular 2.3.94 no. 1, § 3, explicitly outlines conditions where even rental properties can benefit from first home relief. The concept is detached from the taxpayer’s physical residence, emphasizing a broader perspective.

While the traditional notion of a “first home” might have implied personal residence, the contemporary interpretation is more dynamic. It embraces diverse scenarios, acknowledging the evolving nature of homeownership and the myriad ways in which individuals interact with their properties.

First Home Requirements

While “principal residence” demands physical presence, “first home” has a more inclusive criterion. It necessitates that the taxpayer either maintains residence in the municipality where the property is located, commits to repositioning within 18 months, or engages in activities in the city where the property is situated.

This shift in emphasis from immediate physical residence to a broader set of conditions aligns with the changing dynamics of modern living. It acknowledges that individuals may have multiple residences or may need time to transition into their new homes, ensuring that the benefits of the first home concept are accessible to a wider demographic.

Imposta di Registro for Prima Casa

In alignment with the flexible evolution of the first home concept, the tax landscape has adapted to accommodate these changing dynamics. The Imposta di Registro (Registration Tax) for the first home is a one-time tax due upon purchase. This tax, set at 2%, applies to the first home and 9% to subsequent houses, based on its cadastral value which is usually lower than the actual purchase price. With the notable exemption of luxury houses, which consistently attract a 9% rate. This progressive taxation approach ensures that the benefits of the first home concept, including the tax discount, are accessible across various property types while maintaining a level of fairness in the taxation system.

Strategic Planning and Transitioning Homes

Beyond the initial purchase, homeowners have the strategic flexibility to optimize their tax benefits. It is noteworthy that individuals can purchase a property as their prima casa, enjoying the associated tax discounts, and subsequently acquire another property. In such cases, they have the option to convert their first home status, effectively switching their prima casa designation to the new property. This process involves paying back the tax exemption received on the initial purchase.

Conversely, individuals may choose to initially purchase a property as a second home, forgoing the registration tax discount associated with prima casa. Later, when acquiring another property, they can strategically designate it as their prima casa, thereby taking advantage of the first home benefits, including the registration tax discount. This dual flexibility recognizes the dynamic nature of homeownership and empowers individuals to make informed decisions aligned with their evolving needs and circumstances. In essence, the tax framework not only accommodates the diversity of property usage but also provides strategic options for homeowners to optimize their financial advantages in the long term.

Primary Registered Residence (Residenza Principale)

For a property to qualify as the primary residence, the owner and their family unit must simultaneously have both habitual and registered residence. This condition aligns with favorable rules that exclude the property from IMU (property tax) and TASI (municipal services tax) requirements, except for specific luxury categories.

This dual requirement ensures that the property is not merely a financial investment but a genuine residence where the owner and their family have established both habitual and official ties. It links the tax benefits to a tangible connection between the property and the homeowner, reinforcing the intention behind the legislation to support genuine homeownership.

Household Member Residences in the Same Commune

In scenarios where household members establish habitual in different properties within the same municipality, the benefits for the first home apply to one property only. Taxpayers have the autonomy to choose which property qualifies for exemptions.

This provision recognizes the diversity of family structures and living arrangements. It accommodates situations where family members may have individual residences within the same municipality, allowing homeowners to strategically choose the property that maximizes their tax benefits with IMU and TASI exemption.

Household Member Residences in the Different Communes

In addition to addressing the complexities of household members establishing habitual residence in different properties within the same municipality, this provision extends its flexibility to accommodate situations where family members may have primary residences in different communes. In such cases, taxpayers are afforded the opportunity to claim Individual Municipal Property Tax (IMU) exemptions for both primary residences, recognizing the unique circumstances that may necessitate such arrangements.

The autonomy granted to taxpayers to choose which property qualifies for exemptions remains a cornerstone of this provision. This means that if a husband and wife, for example, find themselves with primary residences in separate communes, they can strategically designate each property to maximize their IMU benefits. The key stipulation is that there must be a legitimate need justifying the maintenance of two primary residences, such as employment locations, caregiving responsibilities, or other valid reasons.

Primary Residence Inheritance Considerations

In the context of family relationships and inheritance, the primary residnece holds particular significance. Article 540 of the Civil Code highlights that when the marital home is inherited, the surviving spouse gains the right of habitation. This unique status comes with tax implications, where the surviving spouse becomes responsible for tax obligations, leading to exemptions or taxation based on residency.

The consideration of inheritance brings a familial dimension to the first home concept. It recognizes the emotional and familial ties associated with a property, understanding that the passing down of a family home carries with it a set of responsibilities and privileges that extend to tax considerations.

Partial Renting of the Primary Residence

Even if the first home is partially rented, it retains its designated status. The Ministry of Economic and Finance’s clarification in FAQ 20.1.2014 n. 12 ensures that, since January 1, 2014, such properties continue to benefit from IMU exemptions.

This provision acknowledges the evolving nature of homeownership and the economic realities that homeowners may face. It allows flexibility for homeowners to derive additional income from their properties without jeopardizing the tax benefits associated with the first home, striking a balance between financial considerations and the intent behind the legislation.


In conclusion, the first home concept in Italy has undergone a transformative journey, adapting to the changing dynamics of modern living. The legislative amendments reflect a nuanced understanding of homeownership, encompassing various scenarios beyond immediate physical residency. As individuals navigate the complexities of real estate transactions and inheritance, a comprehensive grasp of the first home concept becomes indispensable. By aligning with the legislative framework and leveraging the flexibility it offers, homeowners can not only secure tax benefits but also contribute to the preservation of the familial and residential essence embedded in the first home.

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